Women in Pharmacy

Women in Pharmacy Conference Room

About Women in Pharmacy


Meet the next 10 Women in Pharmacy Honorees>>


Situated within the APhA headquarters, the Women in Pharmacy Exhibit and Conference room celebrates the achievements of remarkable women throughout the history of pharmacy. The exhibit highlights many firsts for women in U.S. pharmacy, including innovating pharmacy practice as entrepreneurs, advocating for health care, serving in federal pharmacy and providing leadership in national pharmacy organizations.

Cherry blossoms are a central theme in the design of the Women in Pharmacy Exhibit and Conference Room. This steadfast tree with its delicate flower is a symbol of hope, strength, humanity. and new beginnings. The cherry blossom represents hope for equal rights and strength to persevere in hard times. It is also a symbol of compassion, kindness, charity, and sympathy, all of which are characteristics of the women honored on the wall. 

The history tree featured in the conference room represents a sampling of the many women who have contributed to the advancement of pharmacy -- women leaders who had a profound influence on the profession of pharmacy in their era. Each woman on the wall represents thousands of women standing behind them and thousands more yet to enter our ranks.


The Women on the Portrait Wall

The women on the portrait wall each have a unique story of their significant influence to the profession.

Donor Wall

With gratitude and appreciation, the APhA Foundation recognizes the generosity of donors who shared a vision of celebrating women’s outstanding contributions to pharmacy.

Women in Pharmacy: Remembering our Past, Committing to our Present, and Investing in our Future

On October 20th, 2021, Women in Pharmacy Committee Chair Elizabeth Johnson moderated a virtual panel session featuring Metta Lou Henderson, Theresa Tolle, and Kennedy Erickson. Visit this page to watch the panel event and hear some words of wisdom from these women pharmacist leaders.

2024 Women in Pharmacy Leadership Development Forum

The 2024 Women in Pharmacy Leadership Development Forum: Take Time to Pause was hosted by Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coaches Cynthia Knapp Dlugosz and Seena Haines. By showcasing different mindfulness techniques, the forum served as a calming respite from the flurry of meeting activities — a chance to refresh and renew.

2023 Advocating for Yourself in the Workplace Panel Event

The October 11, 2023, panel facilitated by APhA Trustee, Lauren Bode, featured a dialogue on initiating self-advocacy, re-engaging after family leave, negotiating compensation, and more.

2023 Women in Pharmacy Leadership Development Forum

At the 2023 Women in Pharmacy Leadership Development Forum, Lucinda Maine, Ph.D., RPh, former EVP and CEO of AACP, delivered the keynote presentation: "Can you believe? versus You can believe!"