Team-Based Care

The rising risk of prediabetes






More than 96 million


American adults have prediabetes1



More than 80%
of individuals


with prediabetes do not know they have it2



70% of at-risk individuals



will eventually develop type 2 diabetes without intervention3

An evidence-based life-saving program


IMPACT Diabetes enables care teams to efficiently provide personalized, team-based care to patients at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Patients can become better informed and learn how to self-manage their prediabetes, resulting in improved health and reduced risk of major complications associated with diabetes, including kidney disease, amputations and blindness.



“IMPACT Diabetes results show significant improvement in patients’ clinical outcomes and demonstrate that all patients, even those with tremendous barriers to appropriate diabetes care, benefit from patient-centered, interdisciplinary health care teams that include pharmacists.”

- Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 

See More Evidence-based IMPACT

Our nationwide, interdisciplinary community

Community pharmacies, physicians, health centers, self-insured employers and many other organizations have joined IMPACT Diabetes to help thousands of patients across the nation take control of their health to prevent type 2 diabetes.






collaborate with the entire healthcare team for improved patient outcomes




lead the collaboration among patients, providers, and family members for increased engagement and retention


Care Teams


are seamlessly engaged to ensure continuity of care and lasting impact


Hear More from Participating Physicians


Hear More from Participating Subsidiaries


Hear More from Participating Pharmacists


Hear More from U.S. Mayors

Make Your IMPACT

Questions or comments? Contact the APhA Foundation today to learn more about the impact you can make by supporting IMPACT Diabetes.



1, 2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

3 The American Diabetes Association

4 APhA Foundation (Participants with a 90% or higher completion rate)