2024 Incentive Grant Recipient

2024 Incentive Grant Recipient: Talia Edwards, PharmD


Project Proposal: Evaluating best practices for medication allergy documentation in community pharmacy Practice 

Talia Edwards is a PGY1 Pharmacy Resident with the University of Missouri - Kansas City and Balls Foods Stores in Grandview, MO. She graduated from the University of Missouri - Kansas City. 

“Many medication allergy reactions are avoidable adverse events. While there is an extensive amount of literature regarding patient medication allergy reporting within health systems as well as assessing accuracy of medication allergies versus intolerances, no information has been published on the impacts and the role of community pharmacies on documentation of patient allergies.”

 "Medication allergy documentation remains a problem in patient care. Missing or incomplete documentation can lead to inappropriate prescribing and dispensing of medications, resulting in higher rates of adverse events. As community pharmacists, we are in a unique position of providing direct patient care and being one of the last lines of defense in ensuring that medications prescribed for patients are safe."

"I am excited about this project because it is a tangible way we can help improve patient care."