Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                       

January 24, 2024                                                                   



APhA Foundation Announces 2023 IMPACT Care Transformation Network results—Over $1.9 million to pharmacies for patient care services in 2023

WASHINGTON, DC–The American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Foundation today announced results from its IMPACT Care Transformation Network sites delivering pharmacists’ patient care services in 2023. Pharmacists in over 140 practice sites participating in APhA Foundation Research & Innovation initiatives generated a record $1.9 million while delivering innovative patient care services in 2023.

“The continuing evolution from decades of our APhA Foundation research into expanded patient care that provides compensation for pharmacists’ services has reached a new benchmark in 2023, with over $1.9 million in patient-centered team-based care service fees, demonstrating Team APhA’s commitment to supporting innovative pharmacists transforming patient care in their communities,” said APhA Foundation Executive Director and Senior Vice President of Research & Innovation Benjamin Bluml, RPh. “We are sincerely grateful to our APhA Foundation sponsor support of pharmacists’ patient care services that empower each practitioner’s efforts as they endeavor to improve the health of those they serve!”


About the APhA Foundation

The APhA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC, is a trusted source of research and innovation demonstrating how pharmacists can improve health care. The APhA Foundation’s mission is to improve health by inspiring philanthropy, research, and innovation that advances pharmacists’ patient care services. The APhA Foundation is affiliated with APhA, the national professional society of pharmacists in the United States. For more information, please visit the APhA Foundation website Follow the APhA Foundation on LinkedIn and Facebook.


CONTACT:     Shannen Mendoza, 202-760-3800,