Project IMPACT: Vaccine Confidence
Several studies were conducted to evaluate vaccine acceptance and willingness to be vaccinated among ambulatory adults. The projects spanned different communities with a goal of increasing vaccine adherence.
Project IMPACT: Vaccine Confidence
The Participants
This study evaluated rates of vaccine acceptance and willingness to be vaccinated among ambulatory adults from 2021 to 2023. Pharmacists conducted comprehensive vaccination need assessments. The primary outcomes were numbers of vaccination needs per participant and vaccinations administered, scheduled, or declined
The Results
Vaccine Perspectives Survey
2,800+ patient responses from 21 practice sites participating
First wave of demonstration project:
12 practice sites
1,200 comprehensive vaccination reviews
2,500+ unmet needs
Second wave of demonstration project:
21 practice sites
Served > 3,000 patients
Third wave of demonstration project:
13 practice sites currently enrolling patients
Pharmacists raised adult vaccination rates from 59% to 73%
To view more information on outcomes click here.
Project IMPACT: Tennessee Vaccine Confidence
The Participants
This prospective study was conducted in 95 community pharmacy practices in Tennessee from late 2022 - 2024. Pharmacists reviewed vaccination forecasts generated by clinical decision support technology based on the Tennessee state immunization information system (IIS) to identify unmet vaccination needs, educate patients, and improve vaccination rates.

The Results
Sponsorship support from Tennessee Pharmacists Association (TPA)
Demonstration project taking place in 75 community pharmacies in high-risk counties in Tennessee with low vaccination rates
Goal is to improve vaccination rates and build confidence in all vaccines
Builds upon previous success of Project IMPACT: Vaccine Confidence