Madalynne Yenter
Thomas E. Menighan Leadership Scholarship
The University of Iowa College of Pharmacy

Madalynne Yenter is a third-year student pharmacist at the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy. She grew up on a small farm in rural Iowa and always planned on becoming an Iowa Hawkeye. She has been an active member of APhA-ASP since her first year of pharmacy school and has served as Iowa's APhA-ASP Chapter President-Elect and Chapter President. Throughout her time at Iowa, she has also been able to attend APhA Annual Meeting, APhA-ASP Summer Leadership Institute, and multiple Midyear Regional Meetings. Madalynne is also involved in the Iowa City Free Mental Health Clinic as a pharmacy volunteer coordinator, helping provide essential psychiatric care to underserved populations in the Iowa City area. Madalynne has worked at Towncrest Pharmacy as a pharmacy intern for the past three and a half years, and she is also an emergency medical technician on the Iowa County Ambulance Service. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a PGY-1 Acute Care Residency and a PGY-2 Residency in Emergency Medicine or Psychiatry.