Kendall Kerr
Charles C. Thomas Scholarship
University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy

As a final-year student at the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy, Kendall Kerr has developed a profound enthusiasm for promoting pharmacy association missions and work through engaging her student peers, advocating for the profession, and improving patient care. During the 2023-2024 academic year, Kendall had the privilege of serving as a Junior Board Member of the South Carolina Pharmacy Association (SCPhA), a tutor for first-year students in her program with the Rho Chi Honor Society, the Chapter President of her school’s American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) chapter, a teaching assistant for three different personal and professional development courses, and a contributing student researcher in a breast cancer drug discovery research lab. Throughout the 2024-2025 academic year, Kendall is serving nationally as a member of the APhA-ASP Policy Standing Committee and as the Phi Lambda Sigma Membership and Inventory Management Intern. Her passion for pharmacy-related advocacy is informed through three years of community pharmacy experience, wherein Kendall witnessed first-hand the effects state and federal legislation have on pharmacists and their patients alike. Kendall has committed to continuously utilize these impactful experiences and the narratives of those she has encountered to endorse actionable change within policies and procedures governing the pharmacy profession. Currently, Kendall is applying to acute care PGY1 pharmacy residencies and hopes to practice in an inpatient setting upon graduation.