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Grace Thompson

Hamilton, Harris, Tucker Chapter President Scholarship

University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy

I’m Grace Thompson, a third-year student pharmacist at the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy (USC COP), where I also earned my BS degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences. At my APhA-ASP chapter, I initially served as a committee member for Operation Reproductive Health, then President-Elect, and now President. In addition to APhA-ASP, I serve as a Junior Board Member for the South Carolina Pharmacy Association (SCPhA). Being involved in my chapter and state association has been an invaluable experience and has allowed me to explore advocacy, patient care, and student engagement.

I am also involved in Pediatric Pharmacy Association (PPA), Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS), Rho Chi, and Phi Delta Chi (PDC). I am completing an independent research study on pharmacy resident perceptions of gender-affirming hormone therapy for my honors thesis through the South Carolina Honors College. As someone who values mentorship of current and future student pharmacists, I enjoy helping with ambassador and admissions events and serving as a teaching assistant for the first-year student pharmacists' introductory community and compounding labs.

Currently, I work as a pharmacy intern at Prisma Health Richland in Columbia, SC, where I assist with sterile compounding. As I transition to being a fourth-year student pharmacist, I am excited to complete most of my clinical rotations through the Medical University of South Carolina’s longitudinal APPE program in Charleston, SC. Additionally, I am honored to have been selected as the Chair of the APhA-ASP National Awards Standing Committee for 2025-2026.

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