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Camille Mercado Rivera

Hamilton, Harris, And Tucker APhA-ASP Chapter President Scholarship

Nova Southeastern University Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy

Camille Mercado Rivera is a final year student pharmacist at Nova Southeastern University, Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy. She received her BS degree in Interdisciplinary Science from the University of Puerto Rico in 2020 and received her MBA degree in management from NSU, H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship in 2023.

Camille is actively involved in the American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP). She served as P1 Liaison, President-elect, President and is currently a part of the APhA-ASP National Communitions Standing Committee. Outside her involvement in APhA, Camille has served as a Dean’s Ambassador and President for her graduating class since her second year of pharmacy school. During her first year she became a brother of Phi Delta Chi Beta Lambda Chapter and was inducted into Phi Lambda Sigma Omega Chapter, where she served as Brotherhood Chair and Vice-President respectively. Camille has been recognized by her leadership at her school as well as local level, she was awarded the Norman Tomaka & Family Community Service Award from the Florida Pharmacy Foundation at the 2023 Florida Pharmacy Annual Meeting. 

In addition to her student organization involvement, Camille works as a pharmacy intern at Memorial Hospital West and acts as a mentor for future pharmacy students. In her role as a mentor, she helps students through the application process all the way to their transition into pharmacy school. Outside Camille's academic and work life, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family back home in Puerto Rico.

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