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Jacob W. Miller Award

The Jacob W. Miller Award is presented by the APhA Foundation and was endowed by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. The Award is given annually during the APhA Foundation’s Contributors' Breakfast at the APhA Annual Meeting.

In the spirit of Jake Miller’s outstanding commitment to the APhA Foundation the award recognizes an individual who has advanced the mission of the APhA Foundation through any or all of the following:

  • Active involvement in the programs of the APhA Foundation

  • Exemplary support in helping establish and/or maintaining APhA Foundation initiatives

  • Outstanding leadership in carrying out the mission of the APhA Foundation


The award recipient is selected by a vote of the APhA Foundation Board of Directors during their January meeting.  

About Jacob W. Miller 

Jake Miller, a Kentucky native, graduated from the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy in 1951. Jake has held many positions in the industry, owned a community pharmacy, earned a Juris Doctor degree, and developed a national reputation as a pioneer in the establishment of third party prescription programs. He was also active and held leadership positions in state and national pharmacy organizations, earning many of their coveted honors. He served as APhA President from 1978—1979. Jake is well remembered for his long association with the Bowl of Hygeia Award program. Mr. Miller and his wife, Mary, currently reside in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

In 2000, Jake was honored with the award for his dedicated service and leadership as president of the APhA Foundation Board of Directors from 1991 to 2000. Throughout his tenure, he was an active, hands-on leader often traveling to Washington to work with staff, as the Foundation became a more vital organization. Under his guidance, the Foundation was re-organized and its mission was re-focused to enhance the impact of the pharmacist’s pharmaceutical care role on the quality of consumer health care outcomes. The programs and projects that were developed during his tenure enabled pharmacists to better communicate with their patients, thereby ensuring more effective and safe use of medications in their drug therapy.

Jacob W. Miller Recipients

2024 Recipient

Thomas R. Temple
Former CEO of the Iowa Pharmacy Association (awarded posthumously)

2023 Recipient

Eugene Lutz
Co-owner of Lutz Pharmacist Services, a consulting and relief pharmacist firm in Altoona, Iowa.

2022 Recipient

Leonard Edloe
CEO (retired) of Edloe's Professional Pharmacies, Pastor of New Hope Fellowship, and Adjunct Professor of Christian Ethics at the John Leland Theological Center

2021 Recipient

Susan Winckler
CEO of Reagan-Udall Foundation for the Food and Drug Administration

2020 Recipient

Calvin & Orsula Knowlton
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Tabula Rasa Healthcare

Co-founder, President and Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer of Tabula Rasa Healthcare

2019 Recipient

Cynthia Boyle
Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice & Adminstration, University of Maryland Eastern Shore School of Pharmacy

2018 Recipient

Patricia Mae Doykos
Director, Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation

2017 Recipient

Rebecca Snead
Executive Vice President and CEO, National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations

2016 Recipient

Daniel Garrett
Chief Trailblazer, Blue Ridge Mountain Group

2015 Recipient

Dennis B. Worthen
James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati

2014 Recipient

William Ellis
Executive Director, Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS)

2013 Recipient

John A. Gans
Professor of Pharmacy, University of the Sciences

2012 Recipient

Joseph D. Williams
CEO, Warner-Lambert (Retired)

2011 Recipient

Marie E. Michnich
Director of Health Policy Educational Programs
and Fellowships for the Institute of Medicine

2009 Recipient

Hazel Pipkin
University of Texas

2005 Recipient

Brian Isetts
Professor, University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy

2003 Recipient

Gary Kadlec
CEO, ExcelleRx

Additional Jacob W. Miller Recipients


Lucinda Maine
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy


Marsha Henderson
Deputy Director, FDA/Office of Women's Health 


Marvin Dyrstad
Owner, Red Wing Corner Drug (Retired)


Marily Rhudy
Sr. Vice President for Public Policy, Wyeth (Retired)


Marialice Bennett
Assistant Professor, Ohio State University, Pharmaceutical Care Clinic


Shane Kraus
Family Practice Physician


John Beckner
Director, Pharmacy and Health Services, Ukrop's Super Markets, Inc.


Jake Miller
Wyeth Pharmeuticals (Retired)

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