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Shayna Byers

Bison Boosting HPV Vaccines

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Shayna Byers is a third year Doctor of Pharmacy candidate at Howard University College of Pharmacy in Washington, D.C.

"There were approximately 43 million Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections to date, many of whom are of college age, late teens, and early twenties. Infection control can be maximized with preventative measures such as the administration of the HPV vaccine. It is of utmost importance for us, as student pharmacists, to employ our expertise in HPV to inform and educate the younger generation while offering vaccination opportunities to those who seek them. The primary goal of this project is to raise awareness about HPV, its potential untreated consequences, and enhance the accessibility and administration of the HPV vaccine to black females aged 18 to 22 years old at Howard University."

"The motivation for this project stemmed from the insufficient understanding of vaccines and the proliferation of misinformation, particularly concerning HPV. Over the course of my education in pharmacy school, I have interacted with numerous patients, guiding them on the significance of vaccinations. It is imperative to extend this knowledge and education to the campus I frequent daily and create a welcoming environment for students to learn about and receive the HPV vaccine. "

"I am deeply grateful to be the recipient of this Incentive Grant and am excited about bringing this project to life. Collaborating with my fellow students to launch an emergency preparedness intervention that focuses on educating and providing HPV vaccinations to students who may lack awareness about the significance and relevance of HPV vaccines, or those who are unsure of why they are crucial, is truly an honor. The role of a student pharmacist is multifaceted and essential within the healthcare system, and this project will serve as a pivotal stepping stone in shaping our future careers as licensed pharmacists."

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