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Mya Desai

Student Perceptions and Uptake of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine During Campus Outreach Activities

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Mya Desai is a PharmD Candidate at the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy in Lexington, KY.

"Human papillomavirus is the leading cause of cervical cancer, and the state of Kentucky has a significantly higher incidence rate of cervical cancer compared to the national average. Though HPV vaccine has been available and easily accessible for over a decade, less than 60% of Kentucky adolescents aged 13-17 years old have completed the series, demonstrating a critical opportunity for pharmacist-led interventions among college-aged students. This project seeks to determine the perceptions and knowledge of HPV and the HPV vaccine in students who participate in outreach events on campus, while assessing the uptake of HPV vaccine and completion of the series during these events and through targeted outreach."

"I am most excited to see how the outcomes of this project will change the way pharmacists educate their younger patients about HPV and the benefits of this vaccine. Ultimately, I hope to see this project influence the way HPV vaccine and education are distributed to college-aged individuals. "

"I am incredibly grateful to receive an incentive grant this year. This gives us the opportunity to positively impact the health of a population that may not regularly engage with pharmacists at a vital time."

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