The APhA Foundation is grateful for the dedication and service of the seven members appointed by the trustees of the American Pharmacists Association who serve on the Board of Directors. Their contributions are highly valued and appreciated.
Elizabeth Johnson, President
Owner & Principal Elizabeth Johnson Consulting Sacramento, CA
Mallory Ward, Vice President
Executive Vice President Reservoir Communications Group Washington, DC
John D. Grabenstein, Treasurer
President Vaccine Dynamics Easton, MD
Michael Hogue, Secretary
Executive Vice President & Chief Executive Officer American Pharmacists Association Washington, DC
Nancy Alvarez, Director
Associate Dean, Academic & Professional Affairs University of Arizona College of Pharmacy Tucson, AZ
Valentino Caruso, Director
Pharmacy Manager CVS Health Cheshire, CT
Mary L. Euler, Director
Retired Professor & Associate Dean, Admissions & Student Affairs WVU School of Pharmacy Uniontown, PA